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We have set up a "Donations" page for those interested in donating to the BCFPA for purposes of supporting our association or supporting our Student Professional Development Group (SPDG) for their student activities and development.

In the past, our SPDG have collected funds as part of their student 50/50 raffle ticket draws during our in-person events, to help raise money and support their student group activities. Because we have hosted many virtual events, raising money during our in-person events was no longer possible. We have decided to set up a donations page to collect funds for our student group. We will announce when our next student-run 50/50 raffle draw will take place and how you can participate! However if you still wish to make a small donation to our student group, you are welcome to fill in the donation form below - please indicate in the comment box if your donation will be for the student group, and if you wish to remain anonymous or not. Thank you for your support!

 Disclaimer: We are not a registered organization or charity of Canada and therefore cannot provide an official donation receipt for you to claim a charitable tax credit.

Our "Online Store" has been set up to streamline the process of collecting newsletter ad-related fees, event sponsorship funding and student award scholarship funding. Please use the below to submit payments for newsletter ads and sponsorships. Thank you!


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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Amount ($CAD)
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