Dear All,
This email is to inform you that Health Canada will be hosting an all-day meeting with stakeholders and experts on front-of-package food (FOP) labelling on Monday, September 18th from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. In line with Health Canada’s commitment to open and transparent government, we are inviting you to attend via live streaming. There will be a limited opportunity for online participants to submit questions to contribute to the discussion.
The goal of the meeting is to bring together experts, industry and health stakeholders to share and review the evidence related to FOP labelling, including the public health context, consumer research, and international experiences.
Health Canada will have a professionally facilitated discussion about FOP symbol options at the meeting. These discussions will help inform the development of the regulatory proposal for FOP.
Please find attached the draft agenda.
If you are interested in registering for this meeting, please click on the following link:
Please note that registration ends on September 13, 2017.
If you are interested in participating in future stakeholder engagement and consultations at Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, please feel free to register in the Consultation and Stakeholder Information Management System (CSIMS). You will receive an email notification when there is an upcoming engagement or consultation opportunity in the area(s) of interest you selected during registration.