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  • 09 Apr 2017 9:50 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)
    Hi everyone,

    Bruker is organizing a free, one-day exploration into the latest advances in high resolution mass spectrometry instrumentation designed to help you be successful in the lab.

    Wednesday, April 26, 2017
    9:30 am - 3:15 pm
    Holiday Inn Vancouver - Centre, 711 W. Broadway, Vancouver, BC

    To register, you can click here:
  • 12 Mar 2017 10:04 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    Dear Stakeholder,

    On October 24, 2016, the Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Health, launched the Healthy Eating Strategy for Canada. One of the intended outcomes of the Healthy Eating Strategy is to help make the healthier food choice, the easier choice. In order to help achieve this, final amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations – Nutrition Labelling, Other Labelling Provisions and Food Colours were published in Canada Gazette, Part II on December 14, 2016.

    We would like to invite you to a webinar, presented by Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and hosted by Ipsos. The webinar will provide you with an overview of the recent food labelling changes and compliance and enforcement activities (including information on the transition period) and offer you an opportunity to seek clarification on these changes.

    English webinar registration:
    Thursday March 30 from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST

    Due to the large audience, audio interaction will not be possible; however, questions may be submitted through the webinar platform for the Question and Answer session at the end of the webinar. Please confirm your participation before March 27th by registering at:
    . Feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues who may be interested.

    For any technical questions related to this invitation please contact

    Best regards,

    Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
    Food Directorate
    Health Canada

  • 06 Feb 2017 10:04 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    The ISGA conference is being held in Victoria, British Columbia April 24-28, 2017.

    The course will run from the afternoon of April 27th to the afternoon of April 29th 2017.
    Course overview:
    This is a 2.5 day course that is mandatory for US sprout growers.
    Course Description:
    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule establishes science-based minimum standards for the safe growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of certain produce grown for human consumption.  Unless specifically exempt or excluded, sprout growing operations are subject to the Produce Safety Rule including the sprout-specific requirements in subpart M. This two and a half day Sprouter Training Course developed by the Sprout Safety Alliance (SSA) is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA. Successfully completing this course is one way to meet the requirements for training under the Produce Safety Rule- "at least one supervisor or responsible party for each sprout operation must have successfully completed food safety training at least equivalent to that received under standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by the FDA".  Also it is helpful in understanding and implementing the Produce Safety Rule requirements and best practices for enhancing sprout safety.

  • 06 Feb 2017 10:00 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is holding webinars on proposals to modernize the food labelling system.  The webinars will review the reasons for change, present highlights of what we heard from our first phases of consultations and outline the proposals for a more modern food labelling system and for a new approach for truthful and not misleading food labelling.

    Once you register, you will receive confirmation of your participation by email from

    These webinars are part of the CFIA’s and Health Canada’s ongoing work to modernize food labelling in Canada. For more information, please contact us:

  • 01 Feb 2017 9:00 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    January 31, 2017 - BCFPA Annual General Meeting

    Yasmin Yorish's presentation on "Nutrition Labelling and Health Canada’s Healthy Eating Strategy" is now available here:

  • 10 Jan 2017 9:48 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    2016 Annual General Meeting

    Featured Speaker: Yasmin Yorish (Health Canada) to present on "Nutrition Labelling and Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy"

    January 31 2017
    Shadbolt Centre for the Performing Arts
    6450 Deer Lake Avenue, Burnaby, BC

    Register by January 20 to attend our AGM!

    Visit our website to register and for more information:

    5:00-5:30 PM Registration
    5:30-5:45 PM Welcome & AGM Business
    5:45-6:35 PM Yasmin Yorish on "Nutrition Labelling and Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy"
    6:35-7:20 PM Dinner
    7:20-7:30 PM Scholarship Presentation
    7:30-8:00 PM Student Presentation: Karen Fong on "Characterization of Virulent Bacteriophages for Control of Salmonella in Fresh Produce"
    8:00-8:15 PM Door Prizes & Closing


    Speaker bios:

    Attendance is FREE for BCFPA Members in good standing.

    Sustaining Member Display Tables available on first-come, first-serve basis. Interested in sponsoring? Contact Peter Taylor to sponsor or reserve your table today!

  • 16 Nov 2016 8:57 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    Dear BC Food Protection Association Members,

    We would like to thank you for attending our one-day Food Safety Workshop held on Monday, November 7, 2016 at the Delta Hotel Burnaby Conference Centre in Burnaby, BC.

    In our continued effort for improvement, and to bring seminars and events that are interesting to our members, we ask that you take a few minutes to complete our survey. Thank you.

    Please click here to begin our survey:

    If you did not attend the Workshop, you may answer the first 2 questions and last 3 questions.

    Please complete the survey no later than November 24, 2016. If you wish to contact us after the survey closes, we will always be happy to receive additional feedback and messages from our members.

    Please visit our website at for updates on events including our upcoming Annual General Meeting to be held in January 2017.

    Thank you,

    BC Food Protection Association Executive Board

  • 14 Nov 2016 8:45 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    Hello all, we just want to help pass along this survey to our BCFPA members regarding a Survey on Antibiotics & Antibiotic-free Foods. Greatly appreciate your help in promoting this survey far and wide with colleagues, friends and family across Ontario and Canada. Details below:

    The University of Guelph invites you to take part in this unique survey on the future of antibiotics & antibiotic-free foods from animal-based proteins! We are engaging both consumers and industry perspectives alike. Take this 6-minute survey and you could win!

    Please follow link:

    Mark Juhasz Ph.D
    Department of Marketing & Consumer Studies
    College of Business & Economics
    University of Guelph

  • 02 Nov 2016 10:11 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    Produce Safety Alliance Train-the-Trainer Course - Portland

    Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 8:00 AM to Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 5:00 PM (PST)

    OSU's Food Innovation Center
    1207 Northwest Naito Parkway
    Suite 154
    Portland, OR 97209


    This two-day course will provide detailed information about Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), co-management of natural resources and food safety, FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirements, and a review of the seven module PSA Grower Training curriculum. The course will also cover principles of adult education, how to incorporate the PSA curriculum into other extension trainings, developing working partnerships, expectations for trainers, and how to register a PSA Grower Training Course with the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO).


    Produce safety educators and others who work with fruit and vegetable growers who are interested in becoming PSA Trainers or PSA Lead Trainers. Those who become a PSA Trainer or PSA Lead Trainer are able to offer the PSA standardized curriculum to train fresh produce growers to meet the regulatory requirements in the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. This curriculum was developed through a nationwide collaboration including produce growers, extension educators, researchers, produce industry representatives, and government personnel.

  • 11 Oct 2016 10:57 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)
    We are organizing a one-day Food Safety Workshop entitled, “New Technologies and Traditional Methods: Piecing Together the Food Safety Puzzle”, on November 7, 2016, at the Delta Hotel Burnaby Conference Centre in Burnaby, BC. This event will bring together representatives from the food industry, academia, and government, to learn from experts on topics such as environmental monitoring and sanitation, traceability, trends in food processing, and genomics, and to share ideas on food safety issues, exchange information and best practices.

    Hosting this full day event involves a lot of organizational work from our volunteer board as well as finding the required funding. Expenses include bringing in speakers, hospitality and catering food throughout the workshop. We would like to offer the opportunity to sponsor the one-day workshop, or upgrade your current sustaining membership category to a higher tier and take advantage of our workshop perks.

    Click below if you are interested in sponsoring our event or just want to support us by becoming a sustaining member! We have perks for those who become a sustaining member including free display tables!

    Sponsorship Opportunities Information
    Sponsorship Opportunities Poster

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