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  • 29 Apr 2016 9:14 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    Hi all,

    The early bird deadline has bene extended to May 3rd. You still have time to register!

  • 14 Apr 2016 6:03 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    The Guelph Food Safety Seminars presents....

    Title: Applied Bacterial Genomics
    Speakers: Dr. Attiq Rehman, Biologist and Dr. Genevieve Labbe, NSERC Visiting Fellow, National Microbiology Lab at Guelph, Public Health Agency of Canada

    Date: Monday April 25, 2016
    Time: 10-11AM
    Place: Conference Room 1 OMAFRA Building, 1 Stone Rd W., Guelph

    Please see attachments for abstract and speakers' bios. Invite all interested colleagues. NO registration is required.

    Not in Guelph? Join us by webinar!
    WebEx Meeting Invitation Instructions: Food Safety Seminar Monday April 25, 2016

    Meeting name: Food Safety Seminar
    Date: Monday, April 25, 2016
    Time: 10:00 am

    - Within 15 minutes of meeting start time, go to:…

    - Login by entering your name and e-mail address
    - If required, enter the meeting password: food
    - For the audio component, join the teleconference: For the audio component, join the teleconference:
    Teleconference_number: 1-866-633-1033 or 416-212-8013
    Conference_ID: 4753955

    To ensure that you can successfully join the meeting online, please join a test meeting at at least one day in advance. If you have problems connecting, contact phone Bell WebEx Support at 1-866-861-2121 or 905-602-3973, or by e-mail at

  • 03 Jan 2016 10:23 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)
    February 22-23, 2016 at the Delta Burnaby Hotel & Conference Centre in Burnaby, BC.

    Details are here:

  • 16 Dec 2015 7:16 AM | Peter Taylor

    Save The Date !

    The BCFPA Annual General Meeting is planned for Thursday February 4th, 2016 at the Shadbolt Centre in Burnaby.

    This meeting and seminar is open to all BCFPA Members in good standing at no additional charge.

    Remember to renew your membership.

    Details to follow in early January 2016.

  • 03 Dec 2015 2:40 PM | Peter Taylor

    Presentations from our Fall 2015 Speakers evening on November 3, 2015  are now available.

    Brian Nummer - 'Of Roman Recipes and King Midas Feast'

    Lorrain McIntyre - Guidelines for Restaurant Sous Vide Cooking Safety in BC

  • 13 Nov 2015 2:54 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)


    The National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health is aiming to reach more students and disseminate EH evidence through new networks.
    If you teach or are part of a professional network that would benefit from environmental health information, please share this:

    NCCEH is now on Facebook and posts new environmental health research evidence and articles daily.  "Like us" here:

    For LinkedIn and the newest research evidence postings, "Follow us" here:
  • 12 Nov 2015 10:19 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    Dr. Brian Nummer is giving a talk on November 30th and Dec 1-2nd in Las Vegas.

    Here are more details of the first Las Vegas FSMA (Human Foods Preventative Controls) workshop.

    I am providing a FSMA HARPC workshop in Las Vegas – Nov 30, Dec 1-2.  I’ve attached three docs (attached) photo, one pager and six pager on the event and FSMA.  The six-pager has details on what food manufacturing businesses must do to comply including receive training in HARPC to become a “qualified individual”. Retail-foodservice folks are not mandated, but should have this information in order to audit their suppliers.  Food safety professionals (consultants, etc) should have this training to be up to date.  The last document has a six-page review of HARPC and would be beneficial to distribute to staff who would like a synopsis for their own education.

    I appreciate if you could forward this to anyone in your group or extended network!!

    Registration is found here: 

    3 attachments:
    Event poster, one pager, six pager

  • 21 Oct 2015 9:23 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    Our Fall Newsletter, the Grapevine, is out!

    Click here to read it!

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