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  • 30 May 2021 12:09 AM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)


    The BCFPA welcomes their members to submit their nominations for any BCFPA member who has made a significant contribution and has demonstrated exceptional service to the BC food industry or the Association. The BCFPA Awards are presented during their Annual General Meeting.

    Please click the link below for more information about our 3 awards and how you can nomination a BCFPA member for their outstanding work in the community.

    Deadline: Oct 15, 2021

  • 30 May 2021 12:09 AM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    Please take several minutes to take our post-event survey. Your responses will help plan for future events. Thank you!

    Spring Webinar Series #1 Post-Event Survey

  • 08 May 2021 1:36 AM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    The IAFP Affiliate View Spring 2021 Newsletter is now out! You can read up on the BCFPA's AGM event summary there!

    Click here:

  • 16 Jan 2021 6:42 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    Hello Members,

    Our 2020 AGM Report is now available on our website. Click here to access it prior to our AGM meeting:

  • 16 Jan 2021 4:37 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    Forwarding a student research survyey below, I hope you can help fill out his survey, thank you.

    My name is Lucas Risi and I am a student at Ryerson University. I am conducting a survey under the supervision of Dr. Meldrum regarding bacteriophage use in the food industry. The aim of this survey is to gain insight about the opinions, concerns, and barriers related to bacteriophage applications in food safety. I would like to target individuals with technical roles and positions in the food industry for participation. I would greatly appreciate it if you could circulate this survey for me in the beginning of January. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this.

    Thank you for your time and I hope to have your help and support.

    Researcher: Lucas Risi
    BASc Undergraduate Student in Public Health and Safety
    Ryerson University,

    Bacteriophages Survey - Research Project

    Purpose of the Study:
    The use of bacteriophages (phages) and its many applications in the food industry is established throughout many studies in the literature. It has been documented that the use of phages as an antibacterial agent can reduce levels of foodborne pathogens, therefore improving food safety. Upon reviewing the literature, various research has indicated potential barriers regarding phage use in the food industry, however it does not consist of the personal opinions of the food industry and food safety professionals. This survey will help explore the gaps between research and practice in the food industry regarding these barriers. The opinions and concerns of the food industry regarding the applications of phages is valuable for the future of food safety.

  • 04 Dec 2020 12:47 AM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    There are Traceability Funding Programs available from Canadian Agricultural Partnership for agriculture, food, seafood sector organizations - see link below:

  • 22 Nov 2020 8:48 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    B.C. Lean for Food Processors Program

    Applications are being accepted while funding lasts.

    What is B.C. Lean:
    The B.C. Lean for Food Processors Program supports specialized business skill development to enable processors to make more informed decisions, optimize operating procedures, improve production capacity, labour productivity and strengthen their business. Lean is aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of local food and beverage processing firms in the sector.

    Why participate B.C. Lean: The B.C. Lean Program has a proven track record of improving participating companies, the average return on investment is 400% in the first year.

    Cost-shared Funding: The Ministry will provide successful applicants up to $7,000 for services from a Qualified Business Consultant. Successful applicants are required to pay $1,500 upfront to the Qualified Business Consultant.

    What to learn more or apply?: Connect with a Qualified Business Consultant now!

    Application Instructions

    Step 1: Complete application form, and review and approve project proposal created with Qualified Business Consultant, which is to be submitted to

    Step 2: B.C. Ministry of Agriculture Staff evaluate application and the Project Proposal.

    Step 3: After receiving email confirmation the Project Proposal is approved, the applicant pays the Qualified Business Consultant upfront.

    Step 4: The Project is completed as outlined in the Project Proposal (90 days). Ministry staff reserve the right to conduct mid project review and feedback from applicant(s).

    Step 5: Qualified Business Consultant submits final draft report to Applicant.

    Step 6: Applicant reviewed and approves draft report and signs claim form.

    Step 7: After performing the training, Qualified Business Consultant submits the approved claim form (DOCX) and final report by email.

    Step 8: B.C. Ministry of Agriculture pays Qualified Business Consultant directly.

    Step 9: Program Staff contact applicant for feedback.

  • 21 Nov 2020 2:10 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    The Fall 2020 Affiliate View is now available on the IAFP website under the Publications tab at:

  • 04 Nov 2020 10:14 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)
    17th Annual & 1st Virtual Guelph Food Safety Seminars Symposium

    Thursday, November 5th, 2020 10:30 AM to Thursday, November 26th, 2020 12:00 PM

    More information:
  • 26 Aug 2020 8:28 PM | Stephanie Chiu (Administrator)

    Visit our new BCFPA Instagram account and don’t forget to give us a follow!

    You can follow our Instagram account here:

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