4th October 2018 - PayPal is now once more accepting payments. We don't foresee any further issues in accepting credit card payment. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Hello all,
Please accept our apologies for the issues related to payment for the Fall Workshop registration. For those who have registered, be assured we have received your application and you are on the participant list and you are guaranteed at the early registration rate.
We are experiencing issues with the link to PayPal, our current payment processor, and intend to resolve that by switching to Affinipay who have set up a partnership with our website provider. This will take a few more days to complete and we will send out a notification at that time when you will be able to pay the invoice for registrations.
Once we notify you that our payment system is active those who have registerd can go to the invoice, link in the email you received at registration, and pay online, or you can log into the website and look up your invoices.
Early registration will be extended until October 12th.
Simon Cowell, BCFPA Treasurer